Oracle Network Model

Location: Overlay Types dialog > DatabasesOracle Network Model

The Oracle Connection dialog will be displayed:

  Enter the following:


The Oracle user name


The password for an Oracle username


The Oracle server to use. This name is sometimes referred to as the
'Net Service Name' or 'Host String'

Save password in Options database (encrypted)

Check this tickbox if SIS should store the password in the Options database. The password will be stored in encrypted form for security.

Click Next.

The Oracle Spatial Network Data Model dialog will be displayed:

Select the Oracle Spatial Network to load into SIS and click Finish.


  1. Oracle 11g Network Model supports direction information. However, node junction information is not supported.

  2. The load performed into SIS is the equivalent of a one-off import, this means the whole table is loaded into SIS. Therefore, you may find there is a considerable delay while the table is loaded. The dataset will be read only and will require a further export to update any changes made.

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