
Location: Overlay Types dialog > Files > File 

Use File to load any of your datasets (e.g. Shape, MID/MIF, DGW, ECW, EML, AutoCAD DXF, BDS, etc.) as overlays, these files then remain stored on your disk. The SIS Workspace Definition (SWD) stores a link to the dataset. If the dataset is modified, then all SWDs with links will reflect the changes.

External datasets are loaded as non-editable overlays (if you want to edit such files, use the Imported File option to load copies of them instead). However, BDS files (which contain user data) are loaded as editable overlays.

Select the required dataset file and click Finish.

Certain datasets may be configured for Cadcorp SIS for these datasets the Configure... button will become active. Configuration data is stored in the SWD.

The Files of type drop-down box can be used to restrict what could potentially be a long list of files to only those of the required type.

Tiff (*.tif) dataset format configuration is described here.

Other dataset types that may be configured are:

In this example a satellite image is selected (SS32NW.tif), the Configure... button will become active.

Click Configure...

The Band Configuration/Colour Model dialog will be displayed

The two tabs available on this dialog are Configuration and Properties.

Configuration tab:

The Details... button on the Band Configuration/Colour Model dialog gives details of the band currently shown in the Bands drop-down box, for example, Band 0 may show:

The Properties tab of the Band Properties dialog shows the properties and values applicable to the selected band.

The Histogram tab of the Band Properties dialog displays a histogram of the selected band.

The Options controls are:

Band Ranges - annotates the histogram display with the minimum and maximum values.

Operation - the drop-down box allows the selection from None, Accumulation, Equalization and Proportion.

Trim - Excludes the extreme values in the selected band range.

An example of these Options settings, taking a .tif file with band with Property Values as shown, with the Band Ranges tickbox checked, the Accumulation operation selected, and the Trim tickbox unchecked in the first diagram and checked in the second may be as follows:

Returning to the Band Configuration/Colour Model dialog, depending on the dataset type chosen the Colour Model/Model drop-down box may become active and provide the following options:

Notes on Stretch - A common problem in remote sensing is that the range of reflectance values collected by a sensor may not match the capabilities of the film or color display monitor. Materials on the Earth's surface reflect and emit different amounts of energy. A sensor might record a tremendous amount of energy from one material in a certain wavelength, while another material is recorded at much less energy in the same wavelength. Image enhancement techniques make an image easier to analyze and interpret. The range of brightness values present on an image is referred to as contrast. Contrast enhancement is a process that makes the image features stand out more clearly by making optimal use of the colors available on the display or output device.

Contrast manipulations involve changing the range of values in an image in order to increase contrast. For example, an image might start with a range of values between 40 and 90. When this is stretched to a range of 0 to 255, the differences between features is accentuated. Unfortunately, different features often reflect similar amounts of energy throughout the electromagnetic spectrum, resulting in a relatively low contrast image. In addition, besides the obvious low contrast characteristics of biophysical materials, there are cultural factors at work. For example, people in developing countries often use natural building materials (e.g., wood and soil) in the construction of urban areas (Haack et al., 1995). This results in remotely sensed imagery with a much lower contrast as opposed to urban areas in developed countries where concrete, asphalt and fertilized green vegetation may be more prevalent.

The Stretch options are as follows:

For examples of image stretching results using the different stretch methods, see Image Stretching.

Notes on Resampling - Images are often captured at a high resolution, anticipating all potential uses for the picture: from high quality archival images through to low-resolution thumbnails. Altering the size of a digital image is called resampling, interpolation or down-sampling. A number of resampling methods are available in SIS.

Resampling - Algorithm: gives the choice of a range of image manipulation techniques that help to enhance the features in a raster image:

Click OK on the Band Configuration/Colour Model dialog and click Finish on the Browse for dataset file(s) dialog.

AutoCAD DXF (*.dxf) and OGC GML (*.gml) dataset configuration details

AutoCAD DXF (*.dxf)

Choose the entities to load:

Select the MODEL Space or PAPER Space entities to be loaded or the Use the last-saved settings in the file as required.

Select the Layout from the drop-down list.

Check the tickbox to Automatically facet bulges and/or Explode block references as required.

Click OK to return to the File Browser dialog.

OGC GML (*.gml)

Note: In order to configure this type of dataset only OGC GML Dataset must be selected in the Add-In Manager, accessed from Manage [View-Add-ins]. On completion re-select all datasets.

The Configure OGC GML Dataset dialog will be displayed:

XML parser configuration

Validate GML document - Validates the XML returned.

GML schema preload configuration

Select Do not preload a GML schema or select the required version of schema to preload.

If you select Preload custom GML application schema, the Browse... button will become active to enable the associated schema file to be targeted:

Axes order configuration

The GML 3.x specifications require that coordinate pairs are ordered (e.g. lat/lon or lon/lat) according to the axes order of the GML feature's coordinate reference system. Select between the following options when the GML version or the CRS axes cannot be detected.

Click OK to return to the File Browser dialog.

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