All Cadcorp SIS API Methods

NolClose Method


Closes a Named Object Library (NOL) file, optionally saving any changes.

Non-file NOLs, e.g. "(temporary)", cannot be removed from the list of currently loaded NOLs. Calling this method with an editable non-file NOL will empty it of all objects instead. Calling this method with a read-only non-file NOL will have no effect.


Visual Basic
Public Function NolClose( _
   ByVal nPos As Integer, _
   ByVal bSave As Integer _
) As Integer


The position in the list of NOLs of the NOL to be closed.
True    Save any changes to the NOL.
False    Discard any changes to the NOL.


Non-file NOLs such as (temporary) cannot be removed from the list of currently loaded NOLs. Calling this method with an editable non-file NOL will empty it of all objects instead. Calling this method with a read-only non-file NOL will have no effect.

A NOL file cannot be closed if it is the default NOL, however a non-file NOL will be emptied even if it is the default NOL. The default NOL can be set and queried using the _DefaultNol$ system variable.

Available: GEO D OD OM OV SISpy



sis.NolClose (1, True)