Local Knowledge

Local Knowledge is a standalone web service integrated into the SIS Notice Board Desktop and Mobile interfaces; it is also accessible directly through HTTP requests.

When Local Knowledge has been setup by the administrator, the user can query and access information about the current:

  • Location
  • Centre of the map on screen
  • Quick Search result
  • Location defined by user-placed Map Pin

The following Local Knowledge query types can be defined:



What’s near?

Displays which features cover the location (e.g. ward, council etc.) and attributes from that feature (ward name, number of occupants etc.)

How many are near?

Displays the nearest n number of features near the location in ascending order (e.g. doctor’s surgeries, recycling centres)

How far?

Displays how many features occur within a distance (e.g. how many insured assets are there within 300m of this location?)


Displays a statistic based on the features located within a distance (e.g. the average house price within 1km of this location)


There are four stages to set up Local Knowledge:

  1. Create an SWD (in SIS Desktop) containing the layers required for Local Knowledge queries define the query types as properties of each overlay. Add the filepath to the Local Knowledge definition.
  2. Create Templates (in WebMap Admin) that are used to display the results from each query and create the Local Knowledge definition.
  3. Add the relevant Templates to the Local Knowledge definition.
  4. Add the Local Knowledge definition to the appropriate map.

In addition ensure your web.config points to your GeognoSIS instance with the correct machine name and port number. Navigate to the <appSettings> section to check the code:

<add key="Cadcorp_WML_WebServices_localhost"

Pre-defined address markers are used to run the searches (coordinates are taken from the center of the map frame if there is no marker).

The information is mined from a defined SIS Workspace Definition (SWD) and displayed using Template configurations. Related Topics Link IconRelated Topics

web.config should point to your GeognoSIS instance with the correct machine name and port number. Navigate to the <appSettings> section to check the code.

<add key="Cadcorp_WML_WebServices_localhost" 

Ensure the machine name or IP address you use is present in the Proxy Configuration table of the webMapLayersConfig.db