Item Methods

The following methods control the "current open Item ". Many methods, e.g. GetFlt/GetInt/GetStr, SetFlt/SetInt/SetStr, GetDataset, GetGeomPt, etc., operate on the current open Item. Only one Item may be open at any time.

The current open Item is independent of selected items, although selected items may be opened.

CloseItem   Closes the current open item, stopping it being current.
DeleteItem   Deletes the current open item.
DissolveItems Merges items in a named list, based on attribute values.
GetDataset   Gets the serial number of the current open item's dataset.
OpenClosestItem   Opens the item closest to a 3D position, within a specified search radius.
OpenCursorDatasetItem Opens the item in the named cursor dataset with the given id number.
OpenDatasetItem   Opens the item in the named dataset with the given id number.
OpenExistingDatasetItem   Opens an item from an existing dataset with a given id number.
OpenFormulaItem   Opens an item within a dataset that matches an expression.
OpenItem   Opens the item in the current dataset with the given id number.
OpenOverlayItem   Opens the item on an overlay with the given id number.
ProcessItem Runs a user-defined process on an open item.
Scan   Scans for items, storing any found in a named list.
ScanOverlay   Scans an overlay for items, storing any found in a named list.
UpdateItem   Updates the current open item, leaving it current.