Pie Charts Theme - Properties

A Theme which annotates themed items by drawing a Pie Chart at the item origin.

Click here for Pie Charts Theme description.

Theme Properties

Theme Component Properties

Theme Properties

  • Alignment: _align&
    The alignment of annotation created by Pie Charts Theme objects around the item origin.

    Valid values are:

    N.B. These constants are not the same as the text alignment constants, because the vertical text alignment option SIS_BASELINE has no equivalent for Theme alignment.

  • Bold: _text_bold&
    Should the legend/label text be drawn bold?

  • Brush: _brush$
    The Brush used for the legend/label text backdrop, if the legend/label text is opaque.

  • Class: _classTheme$
    The class of the Theme.

  • Clockwise: _bClockwise&
    The start angle and/or the direction of the slices.

  • Decimal places: _places&
    The number of decimal places in the value, e.g. as shown in the legend.

  • Description: _DESC$
    A textual description of the object.

  • Disabled: _bDisabled&
    Should Theme graphics be hidden?

  • Filter: _filter$
    Optional filter name, used to control which items are displayed in the map window.

  • Font: _font$
    The font used for the legend/label text.

  • Height: _height&
    The height, in mm of annotation items at the Theme "sum" value: Sum for Pie Charts (or Value for Bar Charts).

  • Inner ring size: _inner#
    Defines an inner ring giving the pie chart a donut effect. The values are specified as a ratio of the outer ring radius in the range 0.000, for no inner ring, and 1.000, for the ring to be the full size of the pie chart.

  • Italic: _text_italic&
    Should the legend/label text be drawn italicised?

  • Legend samples: _samples&
    The number of samples in the legend, default 1, optional 3.

  • Maximum scale: _scalemax#
    The highest reproduction scale at which Theme annotation graphics will be drawn. If you set this value to 1000, and then zoom out to 1:2000 the Theme annotation will become invisible.

  • Minimum scale: _scalemin#
    The lowest reproduction scale at which Theme annotation graphics will be drawn. If you set this value to 100, and then zoom out to 1:50 the Theme annotation will become invisible.

  • Number of Pie slices: _nSlices&
    The number of slices in a Pie Chart.

  • Opaque: _text_opaque&
    Should the legend/label text be drawn opaque?

    If this value is True for legend text then the legend will draw with a surrounding box drawn with the legend Pen, and filled with the legend Brush.

    If this value is True for label text then the labels will appear with a filled background, drawn using the label Brush.

  • Outline: _text_outline&
    The theme's text outline.

  • Pen: _pen$
    The Pen used to draw the legend/label text.

  • Point height: _point_height&
    The point height of the legend/label text.

  • Samples per column: _nPerColumn&
    The number of samples, i.e. Theme components, per legend column. This property can have a value up to 200.

  • Sample size factor: _sampleSize#
    The scale factor to apply to samples, relative to the text height.

  • Scaling function: _function&
    The mathematical function used to calculate the height of annotation items.

    Valid values are:
    SIS_FUNCTION_CONSTANT   All annotation items are the same size
    SIS_FUNCTION_SQUAREROOT  Annotation items are scaled by the square-root of their value
    SIS_FUNCTION_LINEAR  Annotation items are scaled linearly by their value
    SIS_FUNCTION_LOG10Annotation items are scaled logarithmically (base-10) by their value, if the value is above the Theme "sum", and linearly, if the value is below the Theme "sum"

  • Start angle: _startAngleDeg#
    The start angle of the slices. Range: -360.000 to 360.000.

  • Subtitle: _subtitle$
    The legend subtitle.

  • Subtitle size factor: _subtitleSize#
    The scale factor to apply to the subtitle text, relative to the text height.

  • Sum: _sum#
    The value at which Pie Charts will be drawn at the Height value.

  • Title: _title$
    The Theme title.

  • Title bold: _title_bold&
    Should the title text be bold?

  • Title size factor: _titleSize#
    The scale factor to apply to the title text, relative to the text height.

  • Underlined: _text_underlined&
    Should the legend/label text be drawn underlined?

  • Wrap character: _wrap$
    The character at which to wrap a string.

  • Wrap length: _wrapLength&
    The length at which to wrap a string (+ve: wrap after N characters; -ve: wrap at exactly N characters)

Theme Component Properties

  • Brush: _brush$
    The Brush used to fill the Theme component, e.g. a slice in a Pie Charts Theme, or items which match the Theme component. Use "" to not override the item Brush.
  • Disabled: _bDisabled&
    Should the Theme component graphics be disabled?
  • Expression: _formula$
    The expression used to calculate a value for the Theme component, e.g. a slice in a Pie Charts Theme.
    The expression must evaluate to a number. See Property Expression Syntax for details.
  • Hidden: _bHidden&
    Should the Theme component graphics be hidden?
  • Pen: _pen$
    The Pen used to draw the Theme component, e.g. a slice in a Pie Charts Theme or items which match the Theme component. Use "" to not override the item Pen.
  • Symbol: _shape$
    The Symbol used for point items which match the Theme component. Use "" to not override the point Symbol.
  • Title: _title$
    The title of a Theme component, for display in the Theme legend.