Setup and Configure WebMap

  1. Ensure WebMap 9.1 is installed and running.
  2. Ensure WebMap is serving an embedded map and is accessible to Power BI users.
  3. Ensure the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) used matches the coordinates contained within your data source.
  4. The Service URL for WebMap is the root URL of the WebMap site - e.g. https://mapping/SISWebMap9.1. If you intend to publish your report publicly, ensure the WebMap instance you are using is also publicly accessible.
  5. Enable HTTPS on the WebMap server.
  6. Configure the Map Name using the WebMap Manager Interface; this can include base mapping and business layers. Use different maps to provide user-defined cartographic content.
  7. Ensure Allow Embedded Map (see above) is enabled. Ensure correct CORS settings are defined. If in doubt, use the Allow all CORS option for testing purposes.