
Append Line draws a line and appends it to a selected LineString item; this means the new LineString item and the old LineString item become a single LineString item.

The new LineString will begin where the original LineString item finishes; you can keep adding new points to draw to.

This command can be used with LineString items constructed using LineStringBezier, Arc Angle or Centre, Point.


  1. Select the existing LineString item.
  2. Select CAD > Alter > Append Line (or select Append Line from the Map Window menu).
  3. You will see a line rubberbanding from one end (whichever was the last position drawn to) of the selected LineString item:

    To append to the other end of the LineString item, first reverse it using Reverse (Edit > Geometry).
  4. Keep on adding points to draw the LineString item as normal.