Colour Options

Click File on the Ribbon and select Options > Colours and Styles to set various overlay styles.

Option Description


Changes the default Pen for new overlays. To view or edit the [pen, drop-down the combo-box list and press the right arrow at the bottom.


Changes the default Brush for new overlays. To view or edit the pen, drop-down the combo-box list and press the right arrow at the bottom.


Changes the default Symbol used by new overlays.


Changes the default Font used by new overlays.

Selection style colour

This controls the colours that Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 generates when composing printer output.

Show fill pattern

Check this tickbox to use a fill pattern when drawing selected items.

Output settings DPI

This option allows you to specify the dpi (dots per inch), or output resolution on the screen or, alternatively, select (Query from device) to tell Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 to query the screen to determine a default dpi. This is useful if you want to force a degradation or enhancement of a pattern within a plot.

The text box will become active if Custom is selected. In this case enter an exact DPI 'custom' value.