Clean (Clean Geometry)


Ribbon Group:


Conditions for use:

Associated commands:


 Clean cleans up geometry by removing repeated vertices, or which self-intersect, or which contain unwanted small line segments.

Clean offers you various options for cleaning up LineString items or outlines which you may have drawn, or (more probably) which have been digitised. It can remove unwanted vertices or spurious small LineString item segments.


  1. Select the item(s) to clean.
  2. Select Clean.
  3. The Clean Geometry dialog will be displayed:

Choose the option(s) you wish to use:

Remove short segments

Check the tickbox if you wish to remove short sections of the LineString items between vertices.

Minimum segment length

The length of the smallest LineString segment to leave after cleaning.

Remove 0 degree vertices

Check the tickbox if you wish to remove vertices that are in the middle of a straight, or near-straight section.

Remove 180 degree vertices

Check the tickbox if you wish to remove vertices that are causing spikes in the LineString item.

Angular tolerance (degrees)

The angular tolerance to use when detecting spikes and near-straight sections.

Remove self intersections

Check the tickbox if you wish to remove sections of the LineString item between self-intersections.


Deleting spurious small segments

  1. Put in a value for the Minimum segment length. Any segments shorter than this are removed.

  2. Make sure the other options are not checked if you do not wish to use them.

Deleting co-linear or redundant vertices in the middle of a LineString item segment

Check the tickbox for the option Remove 0 degree vertices.

Removing spikes in a LineString item

Check the tickbox for the option Remove 180 degree vertices.

If you wish to add a tolerance to the 180 degree vertices value enter the value in the Angular tolerance (degrees) box.

Removing self intersections

Check the tickbox for the the option Remove self intersections.

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