Edit tab command groups

The Edit tab is divided into seven logical command groups as shown below:


Paste Inserts the contents of the clipboard.
Paste Special Inserts the chosen format of clipboard contents.
Cut Copies the selection to the clipboard, and then deletes it from SIS.
Copy Copies the selection to the clipboard.
Delete Deletes the selected items.
Replicate Copies the selected items into the current overlay.


Order items  
Bring to Front Brings the selected Items to the highest drawing level.
Send to Back Sends the selected Items to the lowest drawing level.
Bring Forward Brings the selected Items up one drawing level.
Send Backward Sends the selected Items down one drawing level.
Group Items  
Group Join two or more selected items together so they will be treated as a single item.
Ungroup Break a set of grouped items back into individual items.
Position Items  
Align Left Aligns the selected Items to the left.
Align Centre Aligns the selected Items to the horizontal centre.
Align Right Aligns the selected Items to the right.
Align Top Aligns the selected Items to the top.
Align Middle Aligns the selected Items to the vertical middle.
Align Bottom Aligns the selected Items to the bottom.
Rotate Rotates the selected items.
Rotate Right 90° Rotates the selected Items to the right by 90 degrees.
Rotate Left 90° Rotates the selected Items to the left by 90 degrees.
Flip Vertical Flips the selected Items vertically.
Flip Horizontal Flips the selected Items horizontally.
Move Dataset Redefines the coordinate reference system of the selected dataset which makes it move relative to other datasets.

Move Moves or repeats the currently selected items.
Stretch Stretches the selected items.
Reverse Changes the direction of the selected items.
Split Splits a LineString item at snapped position, creating two items from one.
Slice Slices through items, cutting them into pieces.
Snip Inside Snips away portions of the selected items inside a polygon.
Snip Outside Snips away portions of the selected items outside a polygon.


Clean Cleans up geometry, by removing repeated vertices, etc.
Generalise Generalises geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm.
Simplify Converts the selected items' geometry to the OGC 'simple' form (e.g. by removing all self-intersections).


Convert Converts the Text Item from one type to another.
Convert to Point Text Converts the selected Box Text items to Point Text items.
Convert to Box Text Converts the selected Text items to Box Text items.
Convert to Label Text Converts the selected Box Text items to Label Text items.
Convert to Polygons Converts the selected Text items into Polygon items.
Align to Geometry Rotates the selected text items to make them parallel to snapped line.
Declutter Declutters overlapping Text Items.
Stack Stacks coincident Text Items around a position.


 Convert to TIN Fits a TIN item over the selected Grid.
 Drape Geometry Drapes geometry from an overlay onto the selected TIN item.
 Perimeter Creates a Polygon item from the perimeter of the selected surface.
 Merge Merges the selected TIN items together, by joining them along their common edges.
 Subdivide Subdivides the selected TIN item's faces using smooth interpolation.
 Snip Snips out the part of a TIN that does not overlap a Polygon.


 Save to File Saves the selected Bitmap as a file in various formats.
 Align Pixels Resamples the selected raster item to match the pixels of current view.
 Resample Changes the resolution of raster item (e.g. Bitmap or Grid).
 Compress Compresses the selected bitmap to TIFF format.
 Convert to Grey Converts the selected colour bitmap to a grey scale bitmap.
 Create Bitmap Creates a Bitmap item from an Image item.

Rubber Sheeting

Displacement Constructs a displacement item, prior to doing a rubber sheet operation.
Create Makes a rubber sheet transformation.
Set Transform Makes the selected Rubber Sheet the current rubber transform.
Apply Transforms the selected items with the current Rubber Sheet.
Explode Explodes the selected Rubber Sheet item into its component displacements

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