Divide (Divide TopoPolygon)


Ribbon Group:

Topology-Create TopoPolygons

Map Window:

Associated commands:


 Divide allows you to chip pieces off a selected TopoPolygon item. These chipped off pieces become TopoPolygons in their own right.

Before you use this command you should draw the division lines, and convert them to topology using From LineString. Then select the TopoPolygon item and start Divide. You should then indicate the place which will form the seed point or centre of each piece you wish to chip off, and press Enter to finish. The chipped off pieces will form a single new TopoPolygon item, and the original TopoPolygon item will be reduced.


  1. Construct a link or links across the TopoPolygon, which delineate the piece(s) to be chipped away. These link(s) must touch the TopoPolygon boundary links. Use snapcodes to ensure accuracy.

  2. Select the TopoPolygon to edit, and select Divide.

  3. Click inside the TopoPolygon which is to be chipped away from the main TopoPolygon (this TopoPolygon is delineated by the links you have just constructed). The point where you click becomes the seed point for the new TopoPolygon.

  4. If you have constructed more than one link across the TopoPolygon, continue clicking within each piece to chip away. Pieces which are already selected may be de-selected by clicking in them again. If you want separate TopoPolygons to be created, press Enter after each click within each TopoPolygon. If you do not do this, each new TopoPolygon will be grouped with all the other new TopoPolygons.

  5. Press Enter. The original TopoPolygon is amended, and the new TopoPolygon(s) created.

Conditions for use:

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