Topology tab command groups

The Topolgy tab is divided into five logical command groups as shown below:


Node Inserts a new Node item within existing Link item(s).
Link Creates a single Link item by free-form drawing.
TopoPoint Creates a TopoPoint item that references a Node item.
TopoLineString Creates a TopoLineString item by tracing over existing Link items.
TopoPolygon Builds a TopoPolygon out of link/node data using seed positions.


Create Network Converts the selected LineString items to Link items.
Geometry to Topology Converts the selected Polygon items into link/node structure.
Topology to Geometry Converts the selected TopoPolygon items to simple Polygon items.

Create TopoPolygons

Cookie Cut Creates a new topological overlay by using the selected items to
cookie cut another read-only overlay.
Divide Divides a TopoPolygon item by chipping a piece off it.
From Polygon Creates TopoPolygons inside a polygon fence.
From LineString Creates TopoPolygons crossed by a line fence.
From Items Creates TopoPolygons seeded by selected items.


Turn Restrictions Examines and modifies the turning rules at a Node junction.
Direction Restrictions Sets the connection type between Link and Node items.


Merge Nodes Merges coincident Node items.
Delete bad Nodes Removes references to non-existent Links in selected Nodes.
Clean Links Cleans up topological Link items.
Delete bad Links Removes any corrupt links, and leaves good links unaffected.

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