Individual Values Theme - Properties

A Theme which styles items, i.e. changes their Brush, Pen, and Symbol, by matching the result of an expression against a list of known values.

You can use the "_id&" property as a quick way of getting lots of colour into a map. It can be used in conjunction with other themes, e.g. Extrude 2D items in 3D views.

Theme Properties

Theme Component Properties

Theme Properties

  • Bold: _text_bold&
    Should the text be drawn bold?

  • Brush: _brush$
    The Brush used for the legend/label text backdrop, if the legend/label text is opaque.

  • Class: _classTheme$
    The class of the Theme.

  • Description: _DESC$
    A textual description of the object.

  • Disabled: _bDisabled&
    Should Theme graphics be disabled?

  • Font: _font$
    The font used for the legend/label text.

  • Expression: _formula$
    The expression used to calculate a Theme value, as follows:

    Dot DensityThe value used to calculate the number of dots
    Extrude 2D items in 3D viewsThe extrusion height
    GraduatedThe value used to calculate the symbol size
    Individual ValuesThe value used to match against known values
    LabelsThe label text
    RangesThe value used to match against known ranges

  • Filter: _filter$
    Optional filter name, used to control which items are displayed in the map window.

  • Hide Brush Sample: _bHideBrushSample&
    Hide Brush sample.

  • Hide Pen Sample: _bHidePenSample&
    Hide Pen sample.

  • Hide Symbol Sample: _bHideShapeSample&
    Hide Symbol sample.

  • Italic: _text_italic&
    Should the legend/label text be drawn italicised?

  • Maximum scale: _scalemax#
    The highest reproduction scale at which Theme annotation graphics will be drawn. If you set this value to 1000, and then zoom out to 1:2000 the Theme annotation will become invisible.

  • Minimum scale: _scalemin#
    The lowest reproduction scale at which Theme annotation graphics will be drawn. If you set this value to 100, and then zoom out to 1:50 the Theme annotation will become invisible.

  • Number of values: _nValues&
    The number of values in an Individual Values Theme.

  • Opaque: _text_opaque&
    Should the legend/label text be drawn opaque?

    If this value is True for legend text then the legend will draw with a surrounding box drawn with the legend Pen, and filled with the legend Brush.
    If this value is True for label text then the labels will appear with a filled background, drawn using the label Brush.

  • Outline: _text_outline&
    The theme's text outline.

  • Pen: _pen$
    The Pen used to draw the legend/label text.

  • Point height: _point_height&
    The point height of the legend/label text.

  • Samples per column: _nPerColumn&
    The number of samples, i.e. Theme components, per legend column. This property can have a value up to 200.

  • Sample size factor: _sampleSize#
    The scale factor to apply to samples, relative to the text height.

  • Subtitle: _subtitle$
    The legend subtitle.

  • Subtitle size factor: _subtitleSize#
    The scale factor to apply to the subtitle text, relative to the text height.

  • Title: _title$
    The Theme title.

  • Title bold: _title_bold&
    Should the title text be bold?

  • Title size factor: _titleSize#
    The scale factor to apply to the title text, relative to the text height.

  • Underlined: _text_underlined&
    Should the legend/label text be drawn underlined?

  • Wrap character: _wrap$
    The character at which to wrap a string.

  • Wrap length: _wrapLength&
    The length at which to wrap a string (+ve: wrap after N characters; -ve: wrap at exactly N characters)

Theme Component Properties

  • Brush: _brush$
    The Brush used to fill the Theme component. Use "" to not override the item Brush.
  • Disabled: _bDisabled&
    Should the Theme component graphics be disabled?
  • Hidden: _bHidden&
    Should the Theme component graphics be hidden?
  • Pen: _pen$
    The Pen used to draw the Theme component. Use "" to not override the item Pen.
  • Symbol: _shape$
    The Symbol used for point items which match the Theme component. Use "" to not override the point Symbol.
  • Title: _title$
    The title of a Theme component, for display in the Theme legend.
  • Value: _strValue$
    An individual value in an Individual Values Theme.