System Options

Cadcorp SIS Desktop has several boolean (True or False) system options, which are global to all windows.

System options are set and queried using the SIS_OT_OPTION constant and the GetInt and SetInt methods. The nObject& argument is not required with SIS_OT_OPTION, and should be set to 0.

sis.GetStr(SIS_OT_OPTION,0,"_properties$") will list all of the system options.

System Options

System Options

  • _bAdvancedBrushRendering&
    Should SIS Desktop 9 draw using advanced technique, e.g. partially transparent brushes?

    Valid values are:

    Example of code to disable Advanced Brush Rendering:


  • _bAdvancedPenRendering&
    Should SIS Desktop 9 draw using advanced technique, e.g. anti-aliased pens?

    Valid values are:

    Example of code to disable Advanced Pen Rendering:



  • _bAdvancedRasterRendering&
    Should SIS Desktop 9 draw using advanced technique, e.g. partially transparent Bitmaps?

    Valid values are:

    Example of code to disable Advanced Raster Rendering:



  • _bAdvancedTextRendering&
    Should SIS Desktop 9 draw using advanced technique, e.g. partially transparent Text?

    Valid values are:

    Example of code to disable Advanced Text Rendering:


  • _bAutoCreateChains&
    Should TopoLineString items be automatically created when Link items are created?

  • _bCheckMergedAttribs&
    Should SIS Desktop 9 check attributes when merging items, and fail if they are different?

  • _bCheckMergedFcodes&
    Should SIS Desktop 9 check feature codes when merging items, and fail if they are different?

  • _bConfirmNoUndo&
    Should SIS Desktop 9 seek confirmation before deleting items with no support for undo?

  • _bDrawFlatShapes&
    Should SIS Desktop 9 draw shapes as they were drawn in spherical projects, use this option to prevent distortion of the symbols.

  • _bDrawRotatedBitmaps&
    Should rotated Bitmap items be drawn? Drawing rotated Bitmap items is several times slower than drawing unrotated Bitmap items, so you can turn this option off for faster redraw times.

  • _bFavourOldLinks&
    Should old geometry be favoured in splinter removal? When you convert LineString and Polygon items to topology there may be small splinters between the LineString/Polygon and existing Link items. If these splinters are automatically removed, SIS Desktop 9 needs to know whether the old Link geometry is more reliable than the newer LineString/Polygon geometry.

  • _bFillAreaIn3d&
    Should 2D items (e.g. Polygon, TopoPolygon) be filled in 3D windows? In order to fill 2D items, SIS Desktop 9 must split the item into triangles. Splitting large concave polygons (typical in GIS data) could slow down drawing 3D views.

  • _bFillSurfaceIn2d&
    Should Surface items be filled in 2D windows? In a complex 3D model, you may find it easier to work with items in 2D views when they are not filled.

  • _bFlickerDisplay&
    Should the selected items be flickered?

  • _bFullRedrawAfterPan&
    Should SIS Desktop 9 perform a full redraw after panning the map.

  • _bHighlightSelectedShapes&
    Should selected shapes and text be highlighted. With this option, when you select a Point or Text item, the whole Symbol or text, respectively, is highlighted. Without this option, only a small diamond is drawn over the item origin.

    If this option is set then Point and Text items will draw their Symbol and text, respectively, when dragging.

  • _bPrintAsBitmap&
    Should SIS Desktop 9 output Enhanced Compressed Wavelet (ECW) and other highly compressed raster images as a bitmap to improve print quality.

  • _bPrintRotatedBitmaps&
    Should rotated Bitmap items be printed. You can choose to print rotated Bitmap items independently of whether they are drawn to screen.

  • _bRefreshAfterEachOverlay&
    Refresh the display after each overlay is drawn.

  • _bRefreshBds&
    Should Cadcorp Base Dataset datasets be automatically refreshed? SIS Desktop 9 can look on the network disk at intervals, set using _BdsRefreshInterval& to see if another user has modified and saved the Cadcorp Base Dataset files which you are working with. If the Cadcorp Base Dataset file has changed then SIS Desktop 9 will automatically reload it. This option increases network traffic, so you should not use it if your network is slow. Also, SIS Desktop 9 cannot detect changed files with some combinations of Server and Client operating systems.

  • _bReverseMouseWheel&
    1 - rolling the wheel forward will zoom in (pull the map towards you)
    0 - rolling the wheel forward will zoom out (push the map away)

  • _bSelectOverlapAutomatic&
    Should the Select Item dialog be shown whenever you snap onto overlapping items?

  • _bShowMapTips&
    Should MapTips™ be shown when the cursor hovers over an item in a Map Window?

  • _bShowSelectionPattern&
    Should SIS Desktop 9 overlay a pattern on selected items.

  • _bSimulateGdiStyles&
    Should GDI Pen styles be simulated? Some older printer drivers cannot draw dotted and dashed Pen styles. If this is the case then you can force SIS Desktop 9 to calculate the start and end positions of the dots and dashes within styled pens. This is a reliable way to get reproducable styles on all output devices. The drawback is that it is slower than using Windows GDI (Graphics Device Interface).

  • _bSmoothScrolling&
    Should SIS Desktop 9, when scrolling, draw the exposed areas immediately, avoiding 'white space' appearing in the Map Window?

  • _bSmoothZooming&
    Should SIS Desktop 9 zoom smoothly, note that this can reduce performance on large datasets.

  • _bSuppressBackups&
    Should SIS Desktop 9 automatically make backup files? Whenever SIS Desktop 9 writes a Cadcorp Base Dataset, Named Object Library, Project Folder or SIS Workspace Definition (SWD) file it can rename the old file with a BAK extension. This can be useful to recover the situation when you accidentally save changes which you intended to discard. However, if you always have this option turned on then SIS Desktop 9 will use up more of your disk space.

  • _bSuppressScaleWarning&
    Should SIS Desktop 9, whenever you are creating new Point, Text and Dimension items warn that the current dataset scale is unsuitable, e.g. the Text will be very small or very large on screen. The Scale Warning dialog is displayed which allows a more suitable scale to be chosen. This option prevents the Scale Warning dialog from being displayed.

  • _bSuppressUndo&
    Should SIS Desktop 9 use the undo buffer? Whenever SIS Desktop 9 items are added, edited, or deleted the change is remembered in a memory buffer. You can use this option to prevent the changes being remembered, and thus reduce memory requirements.

  • _bTransparentZoom&
    Should the zooming commands, i.e. In [Home-Zoom], Out [Home-Zoom], Snap [Home-Pan], etc., be 'transparent'. When the zooming commands are transparent, you can pan and zoom around the map base while running other commands, e.g. when capturing graphics.