Overlay Types - Cloud

Cadcorp Data Service

Connects to the Cadcorp Data Service.

Note: Click here for the full description of the Cadcorp Data Service overlay type.

Tile Dataset

Connects to a tile server and mosaics the tiles together as a seamless image.

Note: Click here for the full description of the Tile Dataset overlay type.

Cloud Optimised Geo TIFF

Connects to a 'cloud-optimized GeoTIFF file, via an HTTP URL.

Note: Click here for the full description of the Cloud Optimised Geo TIFF


Opens a GeoJSON document. The document can either be a local (LAN) file or accessed via an HTTP URL.

Note: Click here for the full description of the GeoJSON overlay type.


Opens a TileJSON document. The document can either be a local (LAN) file or accessed via an HTTP URL.

Note: Click here for the full description of the TileJSON overlay type.

Azure Maps

Connects to the Azure Maps ’tile server', and mosaics the tiles together as a seamless image

Note: Click here for the full description of the Azure overlay types.

Bing Maps Tiles (Aerial with labels)

Connects to the Microsoft Bing Maps "tile server", and mosaics the tiles together as a seamless image. A Microsoft Bing Maps "Application Key" is required to use this dataset.

Click here for the full description of the Bing Maps Tiles (Aerial with labels) overlay type.

Bing Maps Tiles (Aerial)

Connects to the Microsoft Bing Maps "tile server", and mosaics the tiles together as a seamless image. A Microsoft Bing Maps "Application Key" is required to use this dataset.

Note: Click here for the full description of the Bing Maps Tiles (Aerial) overlay type.

Bing Maps Tiles (Roads)

Connects to the Microsoft Bing Maps "tile server", and mosaics the tiles together as a seamless image. A Microsoft Bing Maps "Application Key" is required to use this dataset.

Note: Click here for the full description of the Bing Maps Tiles (Roads) overlay type.

ERDAS APOLLO Essentials - Image Web Server

Loads a dynamic image from an ERDAS APOLLO Essentials - Image Web Server.

Note: Click here for the full description of the ERDAS APOLLO Essentials - Image Web Server overlay type.

ESRI ArcIMS Service

Connects to an ESRI ArcIMS Service. ESRI, ArcIMS, and the ArcIMS logo are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.

Connections with an ESRI ArcIMS Image Service are dynamic and operate in the same way as if viewing using a web browser.

Click here for the full description of the ESRI ArcIMS Service overlay type.

Google Maps

Connects to the Google Static Maps API and displays the resulting image.

Note: Click here for the full description of the Google Maps overlay type.

OSGeo Tile Map Service

A Tile Map Service provides access to resources, in particular, to rendered or pre-rendered/cached cartographic tiles at fixed scales over the internet. Click here for the full description of the OSGeo Tile Map Service overlay type.

Note: The OSGeo Tile Map Service specification is under active development and is subject to change.


Connects to the OpenStreetMap database via the RESTful API and downloads data with the current extents.

The maximum extents allowed is one fifth of a degree in longitude and latitude. Note that the OpenStreetMap server may also impose other load-based limits.

Note: Click here for the full description of the OpenStreetMap overlay type.