Window Properties

SIS window properties combine the properties of a SIS Workspace Definition (SWD) as well.

In a Cadcorp SIS Desktop application, the window is equivalent to a single child window of the main frame window. In ActiveX the window is equivalent to the control itself.

Window properties are set and queried using the SIS_OT_WINDOW constant and the GetFlt/GetInt/GetStr/GetProperty and SetFlt/SetInt/SetStr/SetProperty methods.

The nObject& argument is not required with SIS_OT_WINDOW (the current window is always used), and should be set to 0.

Map Window

3D Window

Table Window

Common Window Properties

Tree View Properties

Map Window

  • Allow keyboard snaps: _bKeyboardSnap&
    Should keyboard snaps be allowed in a Map Window?

  • Centered on GPS fix position: _bGpsCentered&
    Should the window be automatically centered based on the current GPS reading.

  • Class name: _class$
    The class of window.

    Possible values are:
    "SisWndDisplay"2D Map Window.
    "SisWndD3D"  3D Window.
    "SisWndTable"Table Window.

  • Disable event handling: _bTouchInput&
    Disables all Windows "gesture" event handling.

  • Display angle: _displayAngle#
    The angle of the view, in radians. A normal, unrotated view will have a display angle of 0.0.

  • Display scale: _displayScale#
    The display scale. Setting the display scale will zoom the view to the given scale.

  • Group Overlays: _overlayGroups$
    A JSON formatted string detailing the names of Overlay Groups within an SWD, together with the Start and End index position of their constituent overlays within the SWD.

  • Keyhole Overlay: _nKeyholeOverlay&
    Set the overlay position to be used with the keyhole function.

  • Redraw: _bRedraw&
    Should modified items and overlays be redrawn immediately? By default, as soon as an item is created, deleted, or modified, then the window graphics are updated. But by setting this value to False you can make SIS skip the redraw operation. You can still use the Redraw API method to force SIS to redraw the window.

  • Scroll bars: _bScrollBars&
    Should the window have horizontal and vertical scrollbars for fast map scrolling?

  • Show GPS fix position: _bGpsOn&
    A boolean value indicating whether the GPS is on.

  • Style padding: _style_pad&
    The style padding specified in style points. When any portion (or all) of a window is being painted, the style padding will be added to the area being painted. By setting the screen padding you can make Point items etc. redraw even if their origin does not appear in the paint region. This should lead to "cleaner" painting while panning.
  • Note: _style_pad& value is dependent on the SWD dataset scale. If the dataset scale is set to a low value the style padding will be very small, in an extreme case of a dataset scale of 1 the padding will be a fraction of a metre. Taking OS Mastermap data as an example, with a dataset scale of 1250, using a _style_pad& value of 500 would give a padding of around 356 pixels.

  • View Scale: _viewScale#
    The view scale. Changing the view scale has no effects on the graphics you can see on the screen. However, when you use the Print and Print Template commands, the view scale is used to reduce the graphics down to fit onto the paper used for printing.

3D Window

  • Allow keyboard moves: _bKeyboardMove&
    Should keyboard keys (e.g. +, *, arrow keys) change the view in a Map Window or 3D Window?

  • Allow mouse moves: _bMouseMove&
    Should mouse interaction change the view in a 3D Window?

  • Angle: _angleDeg#
    The 3D view angle, in degrees.

  • Class name: _class$
    The class of window.

Possible values are:

"SisWndDisplay" 2D Map Window.
"SisWndD3D"   3D Window.
"SisWndTable" Table Window.
  • Cone angle: _coneDeg#
    The 3D view cone angle, in degrees.

  • Disable event handling: _bTouchInput&
    Disables all Windows "gesture" event handling.

  • Display 3D Controls: _bDisplay3DControls&
    Switches on/off the 3D Window Look and Move Joysticks. See Working in a 3D Window.

  • Draw smooth surfaces: _bQualitySmooth&
    Should the 3D Window 'smooth' Surface items?

  • Draw textured surfaces: _bQualityTexture&
    Should the 3D Window draw textures, e.g. the drape bitmap?

  • Draw wire-line: _bQualityWireLine&
    Should the 3D Window draw in wireline, instead of solid?

  • Elevation angle: _elevDeg#
    The 3D view elevation angle, in degrees.

  • Enable Globe: _bQualityEnableGlobe&
    Switches off the Globe in the 3D window.

  • Exaggeration factor: _exaggerateZ#
    The exaggeration factor to apply to 3D geometry. A factor of greater than 1.0 will make 3D geometry stretch in Z, and a factor of less than 1.0 will make 3D geometry shrink in Z.

  • Generalisation: _generalise&
    The 3D Window generalisation factor for facetting curved lines, in the range 0 (rough) to 255 (smooth).

  • Scroll bars: _bScrollBars&
    Should the window have horizonal and vertical scrollbars for fast map scrolling?

Table Window

  • Class name: _class$
    The class of window.

    Possible values are:
    "SisWndDisplay"2D Map Window.
    "SisWndD3D"  3D Window.
    "SisWndTable"Table Window

  • Overlay: _nOverlayShow&
    The index in the list of SIS Workspace Definition overlays of the overlay being viewed in a Table Window.

Common Window Properties

  • Allow local menu: _bPopupMenu&
    Can the local, right-mouse menu be used?

  • Attributes: _attributes$
    The user defined attributes stored with the SIS Workspace Definition.

  • Default overlay: _nDefaultOverlay&
    The current default overlay in the SIS Workspace Definition of the window. The default overlay is the overlay on which items are created, provided the overlay is editable.

  • Modified: _bModified&
    Has the SIS Workspace Definition been modified?

    This flag only tracks changes to the SIS Workspace Definition itself, e.g. adding and removing overlays, or setting overlay properties. It does not track changes to the datasets of the overlays it contains, each of which has its own flag.

    Note that saving a SIS Workspace Definition will cause any file-based datasets to be saved first.

  • Number of overlays: _nOverlay&
    The number of overlays in the SIS Workspace Definition of the window.

  • Published: _bPublished&
    A boolean value indicating whether the SWD has been published.

  • Size: _size&
    The total amount of memory, in bytes, that the datasets in the SIS Workspace Definition use.

  • Template: _bTemplate&

Tree View Properties

  • Allow local menu: _bPopupMenu&
    Can the local, right-mouse menu be used?

  • Attributes: _attributes$
    The user defined attributes stored with the SIS Workspace Definition.

  • Class name: _class$
    The class of window.

    Possible values are:
    "SisWndDisplay"2D Map Window.
    "SisWndD3D"  3D Window.
    "SisWndTable"Table Window

  • CRS name: _crs$
    The matching CRS object name, or default description, i.e. OSGB 1936 British National Grid.

  • Default overlay: _nDefaultOverlay&
    The currently active Overlay number (starting at 0).

  • EPSG: _epsg&
    The matching European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) code number for the co-ordinate system, if found.

  • Overlay: _nOverlayShow&
    The index in the list of SIS Workspace Definition overlays of the overlay being viewed in a Table Window.

  • Projection: _projection$
    Coordinate reference system in Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Well-Known-Text format, for example:

    PROJCS["OSGB 1936.British National Grid",GEOGCS["Latitude/Longitude.OGC.OSGB_1936",DATUM["OSGB_1936",SPHEROID["Airy 1830",6377563.396,299.32496460007]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degrees",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],

  • Report: _report$
    Summary of the object (and any children) including the time taken to load the object. Includes information about the Join Table, if present and information about the native CSV recordset, where applicable.

  • Size: _size&
    The total amount of memory, in bytes, that the datasets in the SIS Workspace Definition use.

  • Style padding: _style_pad&
    The style padding, specified in style points. When any portion, or all, of a window is being painted, the style padding will be added to the area being painted. By setting the screen padding you can make Point, Text items etc. redraw even if their origin does not appear in the paint region. This should lead to "cleaner" painting while panning.

    Note: _style_pad& value is dependent on the SWD dataset scale. If the dataset scale is set to a low value the style padding will be very small in an extreme case of a dataset scale of 1 the padding will be a fraction of a metre. Taking OS Mastermap data as an example, with a dataset scale of 1250, using a _style_pad& value of 500 would give a padding of around 356 pixels.

  • Title: _title$
    The text of the root node in the SWD Tree View