Current Window

One of the Document Windows in SIS is called the current window, or active window. You can tell which window is current as its tab name will be bold.

The current window determines which commands on The Ribbon (or local commands) are enabled. For instance, some graphical construction commands will become disabled if you activate a Table Window.

A Map Window which is not current will show the extents of the current window with a diagram - the diagram is a rectangle if the current window is a Map Window, or a cone if the current window is a 3D Window. These diagrams help you see any relationships between the document windows.

The SIS Workspace Definition (SWD) document of the current window is called the current SWD. Remember that the current SWD could be viewed inside several windows, and only one of the current SWD’s windows will be the current window.

The Maps Control Bar shows a list of all the open SWDs, but each SWD will appear only once in the list, regardless of how many viewing windows that SWD has. The current SWD is highlighted in the Maps Control Bar in bold.

Each SWD remembers its list of selected items. So if you select an item in one window, then the item will become selected in all other windows of that SWD. This is useful, since you can use a Table Window and a Map Window of the same SWD to build up a selection list.

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