Grid From Expression

Grid From Expression creates a Grid item from an expression involving other named grid items. This operation is sometimes called Grid Analysis.

The input grid items can be created using commands such as Scatter Grid, Hot Spot and Convert to Grid.

They can also be saved in a Named Object Library using Store Item and recalled using Recall Item.

Grid From Expression cannot technically CREATE a grid; it can only be used to transform existing grids. It will not work with Polygon-based grids such as the one created by KDE - Hexagonal/Rhombic/Circular or by any of the Tessellate process operations.

Select Analysis > Grids > Viewshed.

This opens the Map Algebra window:

Use this dialog to take in one or two Grid items as inputs and return one Grid item as an output.

Remember you cannot create or name a new overlay for the output grid.

To output the grid to a separate overlay:

  • Create a new overlay (bds, internal dataset, etc).
  • Right-click this overlay and select Make Current.
  • The resulting grid will be output to this overlay.
  • If there is no Current overlay, the resulting grid will be output to the first editable overlay (if there is one) or a new Internal Dataset overlay will be created for the resulting grid.

The resulting grid will be shown in the first Editable overlay available. If no overlays are Editable the result will be created in a new overlay:

Now you can publish the grid/overlay to other layers etc., or use it as the input for another Map Algebra expression for further calculations.

The output grid can be saved in a Named Object Library using Create > Miscellaneous >Store Item.

You can also right-click on the grid for a range of options:

The local menu options are:

  • Convert to TIN - Converts the grid into a TIN item.
  • Create Points - 'Explodes' the grid into one Point item per grid cell.
  • Create Polygons - 'Explodes' the grid into one Polygon item per grid cell.
  • Create range QZone - Creates a QZone item covering the pixels in the grid which have values in a chosen range.
  • Set Colourset - Selecting Set Colourset will display the Style the Grid dialog (see Scatter Grid for a description of styling a grid) to allow you to configure the colours to represent the grid:

To see grids in action, see the Cadcorp Community pages. The example shown uses grids to identify high risk areas. (You need a user account to access Cadcorp Community).