Home tab command groups

The Home tab is divided into five logical command groups as shown below:


Add Overlay Adds a new overlay.
Overlays Edits the overlays in the current window.
Add Theme Adds a new theme to an existing overlay.
Query Builder Uses the Query Builder to construct a data query to find items in an overlay.
Redraw Redraws the graphics in the current window.
Regenerate Makes sure all referenced datasets are as up-to-date as possible.
CRS Sets up the coordinate system, viewing projection and units.


In Zooms in by snapping or dragging.
Out Zooms out by snapping or dragging.
Selection Zoom selection.
Box Zooms to the extents of a box in the aspect ratio of the current Map Window.
Gazetteer Finds and zooms to a location.
 Zoom Drag Dynamically zooms in and out of the window by dragging the mouse.
 Zoom Extents Zooms to show all the graphics in the current window.
 Zoom All Shows the theoretical limits of the current window.
 Zoom To Scale Zooms the current window to an approximate display scale.
 Zoom Raster Zooms so that the screen pixels match raster item pixels.
 Roamer Creates a dynamic zoomed view of the window.
 Zoom Grid Reference Zooms to Grid Reference (e.g. OS National Grid in Great Britain).
 Back (Alt+Left) Goes to the previous view.
 Forward (Alt+Right) Goes to the next view.
 Home (Alt+Home) Goes to the original view.
 Set Keyhole Overlay Sets the keyhole overlay.
 Keyhole (F11) Creates a dynamic keyhole view of the window.
 Rocket Automatically zooms out, then back in to the original view.
 Bungee Automatically zooms in, then back out to the original view.


Drag Drags the current view using the mouse.
Snap Changes the centre of the view.
Slide Pans continuously over the map.
Recentre Recentres the current view from a single snap in any view.


Properties Edits the properties of the currently selected item(s)
 Select Selects items, so they can be operated on by subsequent commands.
 Select All Selects all items in the current document.
 Deselect All Deselects all selected items.
 Toggle Selection Reverses the current selection state.
 Get Info Click on an item to show its information.
 Find Finds and selects items.
 Get Feature Info Click on an OGC WMS Image Item to get feature information from the server.
Polygon Fence Selects the items that are inside a polygon.
Circle Fence Selects the items that are inside a circle.
Buffer Fence Selects items close to a line.
Offset Fence Selects items that are near existing geometry.


 Measure Position Measures a position relative to current axes.
 Measure Distance Measures the distance between two points.
 Measure Area Measures the area of a 'fence' polygon.
 Measure Angle Measures the angle between two lines.
 Measure Geometry Length Adds up the lengths of the selected items.
 Measure Geometry Area Adds up the areas of the selected items.
 Measure Geometry Volume Measures the total volume of the selected items.
 Measure Geometry Radius Measures the radius of a curved line.

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