Alternative methods of displaying the Theme Types dialog from the Maps Control Bar:
Note: If a theme is copied from another overlay the Paste Theme option will become highlighted and the theme can be pasted into the selected overlay.
Add Theme (or local menu command) displays the Theme Types dialog allowing you to add a new Theme to an existing overlay.
Themes are organised into four categories as described below:
The Simple theme applies a fixed sets of styles to theme.
Click here for the full description of the Simple theme.
The Ranges theme styles items, i.e. changes their brush, pen and symbol, by matching the result of an expression against a range of known values.
Click here for the full description of the Ranges theme.
Individual Values
The Individual Values theme styles items, i.e. changes their brush, pen and symbol, by matching the result of an expression against a list of known values.
Click here for the full description of the Individual Values theme.
The Classification theme styles items, i.e. changes their brush, pen and symbol, by checking the result of an expression.
Click here for the full description of the Classification theme.
The Relief theme styles Grid and/or TIN items.
Click here for the full description of the Relief theme.
The Labels theme annotates themed items by drawing a text label at the item hook point.
Click here for the full description of the Labels theme.
Bar Charts
The Bar Charts theme annotates themed items by drawing a Bar Chart at the item hook point.
Click here for the full description of the Bar Charts theme.
Pie Charts
The Pie Charts theme annotates themed items by drawing a Pie Chart at the item hook point.
Click here for the full description of the Pie Charts theme.
The Graduated theme annotates themed items by drawing a Symbol, scaled around a value, at the item hook point. The size of the symbols is determined by the values of the item's properties.
Click here for the full description of the Graduated theme.
Dot Density
The Dot Density theme annotates themed items by drawing a number of 'dots' inside the item, the number depending on the result of an expression.
Click here for the full description of the Dot Density theme.
The Geometry theme that shows geometrical structure.
Click here for the full description of the Geometry theme.
The Topology theme shows topological structure.
Click here for the full description of the Topology theme.
The Contour theme draws contour lines over Triangulated Irregular Networks (TIN) items.
Click here for the full description of the Contour theme.
The Flow theme draws flow arrows over Triangulated Irregular Networks (TIN) items.
Click here for the full description of the Flow theme.
The Process theme applies geoprocessing to items before they are drawn.
Click here for the full description of the Process theme.
Extrude 2D items in 3D views
The Extrude 2D items in 3D views theme extrudes 2D items in a 3D views, using an expression that is evaluated for each themed item. The items will only be extruded in 3D windows.
Click here for the full description of the Extrude 2D items in 3D views theme.
Exaggerate the height of items in 3D views
The Exaggerate the height of items in 3D views theme exaggerates the height of items in a 3D view, using an expression that is evaluated for each themed item. The height of the items will only be exaggerated in 3D windows.
Click here for the full description of the Exaggerate the height of items in 3D views theme.
Saved Theme
The Saved Theme is used to save a theme in a Named Object Library (NOL).
Click here for the full description of Saved Theme.
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