Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL)

Location: Overlay Types dialogMiscellaneous > Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL)

Loads data via the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL).

The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is a library for reading and writing raster geospatial data formats, it is released under license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. (

GDAL is used by SIS for the majority of raster geospatial data formats. If a file does not load using a standard SIS interface, it is worth trying to load the file using this GDAL interface. See for details of GDAL.

SIS uses GDAL to provide a single data abstract model for reading and exporting the majority of raster formats supported. More information can be found at

SIS supports GDAL datasets with multiple bands of depth.

The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library dialog will be displayed to allow you to browse for the file name, URI, etc.


Browse to the required file and click OK.

See the following Example of loading a netCDF dataset in grid format which includes details of the use of the Configure button.

Example of loading a netCDF dataset in grid format

Take as an example the file which has two subdatasets named bathymetry and maxtemp.

Display the Overlay Types dialog, select the Miscellaneous tab, select Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) and click Finish.

In the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library dialog enter the dataset name.

If there are no subdatasets, just enter the filepath. In this case the dataset is a conventional dataset and the Configure button will be enabled. Otherwise, it will be disabled and this behaviour signals that the dataset is a container of subdatasets.

If there are subdatasets you need a prefix (NETCDF) and a suffix (the subdataset name) to address them as follows:






You can press Browse... to locate the filename, however, the additional parameters (NETCDF and the subdataset name) must be typed into the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library dialog top box.

Press Configure... to display the Band Configuration/Colour Model dialog:

Select Grid from the Model: drop-down list and click OK.

Click OK on the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library dialog.

The grid format dataset will now be displayed:

The Properties of Grid dialog, displayed from the Map Window local menu, will confirm the grid image with the Class name:Grid

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