View tab command groups

The View tab is permanently displayed and is divided into seven logical command groups as shown below:

Document Views

Map Opens another window for the document.
From extents Creates a new Map Window from an area within the current Map window.
Table Creates a tabular view of the graphical items.
3D Creates a 3D view of the graphical items.
Microsoft Bing Maps Creates a Microsoft Bing Maps view of the graphical items.

Map Views

Rotate Rotates the current view.
Recall Changes the view of the current Map Window, using a view previously stored in a Named Object Library.
Store Stores the current Map Window extents and scale in a Named Object Library.


Show Toggles the visibility of the current axes.
Spin X Spins the current axes about the X axis by a specified angle.
Spin Y Spins the current axes about the Y axis by a specified angle.
Spin Z Spins the current axes about the Z axis by a specified angle.
Move Moves and aligns the current axes.
Reset Resets the current axes to be the same as their underlying coordinate reference system.
Rotate Changes the angle of the current axes.
Coordinates Sets up a non-orthoganol coordinate system.
Linear Sets up a linear coordinate system.
Polar Sets up a polar coordinate system.


Maps Toggles the visibility of the Maps Control Bar.
Location Toggles the visibility of the GPS Control Bar.
Properties Toggles the visibility of the Properties Control Bar.
Developer Toggles the visibility of the Developer Control Bar.
Libraries Toggles the visibility of the Libraries Control Bar.
Status Bar Shows or hides the Status Bar.


Full Screen Switches full screen mode.
Switch Windows Switches to different currently open window.
 Split Horizontally Splits the current window into two horizontally.
 Split Vertically Splits the current window into two vertically.
 Next Window Activates the next child window.
 Close Window Closes the current window.
 Close All Windows Closes all non-system windows.
 Redraw All Windows Redraws the graphics in all windows.
 (Manage Windows) Displays Windows dialog to switch between windows and close windows.


Manage Manages SIS Add-In extension, such as Datasets, Index Dataset Naming Conventions, etc.

Cadcorp SIS

Style Allows selection of style:

Microsoft Office 2007
Scenic/Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
Mouse/Touch Layout

About Shows information about Cadcorp SIS.

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