What is Thematic Mapping?

Thematic Mapping is the process of controlling the styles of a map, or annotating a map with extra graphics, based on attribute data.

Each overlay can have several themes. To add themes to an overlay you can use Add Theme [Home-Map] or Overlays [Home-Map].


SIS uses named Theme objects to control the display, e.g. Brush, Pen, Symbol, of items depending on Item properties, and also to annotate items, e.g. with Labels, Bar Charts, or Pie Charts.

In addition to the Theme types listed below, can also create a Feature Code Theme. This styles items using feature codes from a Feature Table. The Feature Code Theme SIS is useful when a legend is required on a map showing feature codes. The legend can be added when using the Print Wizard.

SIS can also create Saved Themes which are saved copies of existing Themes that can be applied to any overlay. The option Save (Theme) is located on the Themes local menu of the Maps Control Bar:


SIS themes are divided into four categories as follows:

Style themes

You can use SIS to apply styles to graphical items, e.g. to assign a different colour to every country in the world, or to assign colours based on ranges of values, etc.

SIS can create the following styling themes:

Annotation themes

You can use SIS to add annotation graphics to items, e.g. to label items, or to draw a bar or pie chart of male and female populations, etc.

SIS can create the following annotation themes:


Miscellaneous Themes

Note: This theme is displayed under the Style category in the Maps Control Bar.

Filter, Scales and Legend buttons.

The following Themes have the Filter.../Scales.../Legend... buttons:

Overlay styles



Individual Values



Bar Charts

Pie Charts


Dot Density






The functions of the Filter..., Scales... and Legend... buttons are similar for each theme. Click here for this description.

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