Editing LineString items

Note: Ensure you are familiar with the meanings of the image status options of editable, hittable, visible and invisible before proceeding with this topic, see Overlays Dialogs.

Selecting Graphics before editing

Editing LineString items

Join LineStrings



Trim and Join


Reprofile LineString

Delete Path

Move Path

Delete Segment

Move Segment




Smooth Midpoint

Smooth Vertex



Snip Inside

Snip Outside

Changing the direction of a LineString item

Using existing item(s) to cut away parts of an existing LineString item

Deleting unwanted LineString item segments or vertices

Merging existing LineString items to form one MultiLineString item

Create a MultiLineString item by merging LineString items

Create a MultiLineString item from existing LineString items after deleting any overlap

Create a MultiLineString item by using existing item(s) to cut away parts of an existing LineString item

Squaring up LineString items

Editing dimensions

Selecting and moving/copying the dimension set

Editing the LineString items

Editing the Text

Using a different Symbol

Selecting Graphics before editing

See Selecting Graphics.

Editing LineString items

  Join LineStrings [CAD-Alter] 

Joins single or multiple LineString items.

 Join [CAD-Alter]

Joins two LineString items with an additional LineString item segment.

 Trim/Extend [CAD-Alter]

Shortens or extends LineString item segments without joining them to other LineString items.

Trim and Join [CAD-Alter]

Joins two LineString items by extending or trimming them so they meet, joining them into a single polyline.

 Append [CAD-Alter]

Allows you to continue a LineString item you constructed earlier, carrying it on to draw further LineString item segments.

The original LineString item and the new LineString item all become part of a single LineString item.

Reprofile LineString [CAD-Alter]

Allows you to redefine a selected path of a LineString item, automatically deleting the old path and connecting the new path into the polyline. It can also be used with topology, see What is Topology.

Delete Path [CAD-Alter]

Deletes a path, a path is any part of a LineString item between two user-selected points. These points may or may not coincide with vertices.

 Move Path [CAD-Alter]

Moves a selected path to a new position. New LineString items are created connecting the path to its original adjacent vertices.

 Delete Segment [CAD-Alter]

Deletes a segment from a LineString item.

 Move Segment [CAD-Alter]

Moves a selected LineString item segment to a new chosen position. The LineString item segment remains joined to its original adjacent vertices by two new LineString item segments.

 Facet [CAD-Alter]

Replaces curved geometry segments with shorter straight segments.

 Chamfer [CAD-Alter]

Creates straight LineString chamfers at the vertices of polylines.

 Fillet [CAD-Alter]

Creates a circular blend at a vertex on a polyline.

 Smooth Midpoint [CAD-Alter]

Smoothes the geometry of the selected items, keeping segment mid-points fixed. The resulting smooth items will be made up of joined Bezier curves.

Use Smooth Midpoint to have a new curved LineString item created, which touches the original LineString item at the midpoints of its segments.

 Smooth Vertex [CAD-Alter]

Smoothes the geometry of the selected items, keeping vertices fixed. The resulting smooth items will be made up of joined Bezier curves.

Use Smooth Vertex to have the new curved LineString item touch the original at its vertices.

 Split [Edit-Geometry]

Breaks one LineString item into two LineString items.

 Slice [Edit-Geometry]

Slices through Polygon items, cutting them into pieces.

 Snip Inside [Edit-Geometry]

Snips away portions of the selected items inside a Polygon.

 Snip Outside [Edit-Geometry]

Snips away portions of the selected items outside a Polygon.

Changing the direction of a LineString item

A LineString item remembers the direction in which it was drawn. The direction is important in the following cases:

If you need to change the direction of an item or item(s), select them first, then use Reverse [Edit-Geometry].

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Using existing item(s) to cut away parts of an existing LineString item

Subtract [Analysis-Boolean] allows you to cut away part of a LineString item using other LineString items to do so. The resultant LineString item is a MultiLineString item. The items used to do the cutting are deleted. See Merging existing LineString items to form one MultiLineString item.

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Deleting unwanted LineString item segments or vertices

See Clean [Edit-Clean/Simplify].

Merging existing LineString items to form one MultiLineString item

New MultiLineString items can be created from existing LineString items by merging them in one of several ways, including arcs and circles.

Select the existing LineString items first, then select the appropriate Boolean command from the Alter menu.

Create a MultiLineString item by merging LineString items

Use Union [Analysis-Boolean Operations] to merge the selected LineString items into one MultiLineString item.

Create a MultiLineString item from the overlap of existing LineString items

If the following two LineString items:

were superimposed as shown below, so that they overlap, you could use Intersect [Analysis-Boolean Operations] to create a new MultiLineString item from the overlapping section:

The new MultiLineString item is the overlap section between the selected LineString items, all parts which do not overlap in the existing LineString items are deleted.

Note: if you want to keep the original, you should make a copy first, then carry out this command on the copy.

Create a MultiLineString item from existing LineString items after deleting any overlap

Using the same overlapping LineString items as shown for the Intersect command above, you could use Symmetric Difference [Analysis-Boolean Operations] to create a new item of everything except the overlap.

(This command does the opposite of Intersect [Analysis-Boolean Operations].)

Create a MultiLineString item by using existing item(s) to cut away parts of an existing LineString item

See Subtract [Analysis-Boolean Operations]

Squaring up LineString items

The Align commands can be used to square LineString items which should be, but are not quite, either:

This facility is particularly useful for tidying digitised data.

All LineString items which diverge by 14 degrees or less are rotated so that they form right-angles. Any LineString items which diverge by more than this are left untouched. The LineString items are rotated about their midpoint in order to align them.

Squaring LineString items to one another

  1. Select the LineString item(s).

  2. Select Align to Geometry [CAD-Alter].

Squaring LineString items to the X and Y axes 

  1. Select the LineString item(s).

  2. Select Align to Axes [CAD-Alter].

You can set the axes to any angle before aligning your LineString items to them. See Rotate [CAD-Axes].

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Editing Dimensions

The dimension graphics consist of:

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Selecting and moving/copying the dimension set

A set of dimensions can be picked up and copied/moved/deleted as a single item. To pick up the dimension set, click anywhere on the leader lines, or click on the dimension line anywhere except on its vertex.

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Editing the LineString items

The lines are drawn using the pen indicated in the styles toolbar, and this can be changed in the normal way.

For all dimension types except distance, the dimension line can be moved closer to or further from the items you have dimensioned. Do this by clicking and dragging on its vertex.

The leader lines are automatically stretched or shortened accordingly.

The leader lines may be stretched or shortened individually. When selected they have a handle which is offset from the end of the line. Click and drag this handle to stretch the leader line.

The leader lines may be moved by their handle so that they dimension to a different position. Dimensions are dynamic; if you move a leader line in this way, the dimension value is automatically updated:

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Editing the Text

The dimension text is a point text item. You can edit any of the point text properties in the usual way. See Creating Text - Simple Text.

In the Distance Dimension dialog, use the Show units drop-down box False/True settings to determine if units are displayed.

Use the Places property to change the precision, and the Units property to change the units used. The units are the linear units selected on the Units tab of the Coordinates Reference Systems dialog:

If your text is upside down, set Upright to True in the Properties of Text dialog:

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Using a different Symbol

SIS uses a symbol called DimArrow as a dimension marker. You can change this to any symbol stored in the enabled libraries by changing the symbol property.

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